Muden2District: UMzinyathi
Local municipality: Umvoti, Greytown
Community served: Msamo, Leje, Bhuyeni, Pholani, Mbalane, Tshekane, Nkanini, Ophathe, Ngubevu, Mjintini, Simumumu, Nkomba, Langeni, Vondela, Mhlangane, Ekuvukeni and Madulaneni
Population: 10 195

Muden Paralegal Office is located in a small town located 24 km northwest of Greytown and 38 km south-east of Weenen.  The office was established in 1995 and had since been serving the community. The office is providing free legal advice to the community and has successfully dealt with following cases;

mediation on cases of stock impounding,

  • RAF claims,
  • Domestic Violence,
  • Provident fund claims,
  • Unfair dismissal,
  • Social grants and
  • Death benefits.

The office conducts educational workshops on human rights and socio-economic rights within the areas.


Staff: Ms Cabangani Mtshali

Ms Mtshali started working after she received Paralegal training in 1996 through CLRDC in partnership with the University of Kwazulu Natal, Law Faculty.

Staff : Ms Welile Myaka

Ms Myaka started as a volunteer in 2009 and was given an opportunity to obtain a Certificate in Community Paralegal Practice through University of KwaZulu-Natal Institute of Professional Legal Training in association with CLRDC and SASSETA.  This Certificate was obtained in 2010.  Since obtaining her qualifications, she has been working at the Advice office.

Cabangani Mtshali-Muden
Cabangani Mtshali
Welile Myaka-Muden
Welile Myaka







Office contact details

Muden Paralegal Office

P O Box 29




Tel:  078 0954 862 Cabangani Mtshali

078 0954 868 Welile Myaka