Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is a private, grantmaking foundation based in Flint, Michigan. The Foundation funds in four program areas:
Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies are dedicated to bringing about lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.
Foundation for Human Rights
The Foundation for Human Rights (the Foundation) is a grant making institution supporting civil society organisations in South Africa, and the region, to implement programmes which promote and protect human rights.
Aids Foundation South Africa
AFSA is a development organisation that exists to mitigate the impacts of HIV and AIDS and poverty through the implementation of health and community development projects in vulnerable communities
Joseph Rowtree Charitable Trust
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is a Quaker trust which seeks to transform the world by supporting people who address the root causes of conflict and injustice.
Open Society Foundation (South Africa)
The Open Society Foundation for South Africa’s efforts focus on accountability, civil society and socioeconomic rights, freedom of expression, justice, and equality.
International Commission of Jurists-Sweden
ICJ-Sweden functions as an independent support section to the secretariat in Geneva and works to promote human rights and the rule of law principles in Sweden and internationally.
CCFD-Terre Solidaire supports agricultural development projects, economic, educational and citizens.
French Embassy
Ambassador Elisabeth Barbier arrived in South Africa in February 2013.
Royal Netherlands Embassy
The Netherlands is best known for its tulips, windmills and clogs. And for its low altitude and vulnerability to flooding.
The Rhodes Trust
The Rhodes Trust is the creation of Cecil John Rhodes, the British diamond magnate and imperial statesman.
Swedish International Development Agency
Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world.
United States Agency for International Development
USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.
Westminster Foundation
We want to help voluntary organisations provide sustainable support to vulnerable people.