
Vryheid2District:  Zululand
Local municipality: Abaqulusi
Community served: Vryheid, Bhekuzulu new & old location, Mondlo, Lakeside, eDumbe, Louwsburg and Coronation.
Population: 40 095

Vryheid Paralegal Office is located in the coal mining and cattle ranching town in northern KwaZulu-Natal, in the town centre of Vryheid. The office was established in 1989. Since its establishment the advice office has dealt with cases such as:

  • Farm workers evictions,
  • Unfair dismissal of farm workers,
  • Land restitution,
  • Social grants,
  • COIDA,
  • Dependents benefits,
  • Provident fund claims,
  • RAF claims and
  • Labour issues.

The office conducts educational workshops on human rights and socio-economic rights.

Staff: Ms Cindy Zondo

Ms Zondo started in 2001 as a volunteer.  She obtained a Diploma in Paralegal Studies through CLRDC in partnership with the University of Kwazulu-Natal in 2003.


Office contact details

Vryheid Paralegal Office

P O Box 1438




Tel:  078 0954 861

Email:  abaqulusioffice@gmail.com