District: Amajuba

Local municipality: Newcastle
Population: 116 798
Community served: Dannhauser, KwaMdakane, Madadeni, Osizweni
Madadeni Paralegal Office is located in the North-western part of KwaZulu-Natal in the township of Madadeni. The office was established in 1990. The advice office assist the community with free legal advice, Provident fund claims, compensation fund claims, RAF claims, social grants and mediation and conflict resolution. The Advice Office conducts monthly educational workshops on human rights and socio economic rights.
Staff: Ms Welile Myaka
Ms Myaka started as a volunteer in 2009 and was given an opportunity to obtain a Certificate in Community Paralegal Practice through University of KwaZulu-Natal Institute of Professional Legal Training in association with CLRDC and SASSETA. This Certificate was obtained in 2010. Since obtaining her qualifications, she has been working at the Advice office.
Office contact details:
Madadeni Paralegal Office
P O Box 5002
Tel: 078 0954 869
Email: madadenioffice@gmail.com