District: uThungulu

Local municipality: Umhlathuze
Community served: Port Dunford, Nyembe, Mahuru, Dlangezwa, Obanjeni, Sawombe, Dengeni and Esikhawini
Population: 110 340
KwaDlangezwa Paralegal Office is located on the north-east coast of KwaZulu-Natal in Port Dunford. It is a strategically placed aspirant metropolitan due its close proximity to Richard’s Bay. The office was established in 2002, since its inception the office provide free legal services to the community and deal with cases such as:
- Social grants,
- RAF claims,
- Birth certificate and Identity Documents applications.
The office conducts community educational workshops on human rights and socio-economic rights.
Staff: Mr Lindokuhle Macuacua
Mr Macuacua started in 2012 after obtaining a Certificate in Community Paralegal Practice through University of KwaZulu Natal, Institute of Professional Legal Training in association with CLRDC and SASSETA. This Certificate was obtained in 2010.
Office contact details
Port Dunford Paralegal Office
P O Box 51601
Tel: 078 0954 840
Email: kwadlangezwaoffice@gmail.com