
Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information about CLRDC.

client inquiries

  • Room 304B East wing, Diakonia Centre,
    20 Diakonia Avenue, Durban, 4001
  • +27 31 310 3579
  • +27 31 301 2498

programmes inquiries

For more information regarding our programmes, please contact:

Clive Belling
Programmes Manager
T: +27 31 310 3579
F: +27 31 301 2498

general inquiries

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak with someone at CLRDC, please contact:

Ntombi Madlala
Office Administration
T: +27 31 310 3579
F: +27 31 301 2498

feedback form